City Insights
Local crowdfunding reports and data for your town, city, state and country
Local crowdfunding reports and data for your town, city, state and country
Crowdfunding reports and datasets for Industries and Locations
Get the reports and datasets for towns/cities, states in over 200 countries with optional subsets and reports for the 40+ sectors.
The data and reports include global, country and city level information, counts the number of campaigns, backers, the amounts of money raised, the activity of each platform and more.
Our datasets and reports are of interest to researchers and analysts in the areas of finance, economics, marketing, policy and social science, as well as those that study entrepreneurship and support entrepreneurs.
Crowdfunding has emerged as a worldwide phenomena. It exists in four major forms: equity, lending, rewards and donations. The equity, lending and donation models are traditional sources of finance that simply harness crowdfunding platforms to seek wider audiences. However rewards crowdfunding is something very new.
Rewards crowdfunding drives innovation through vital seed-funding, empowering inventors, entrepreneurs and creatives on an unprecedented scale. In this way, a successful crowdfunded project achieves ‘proof of concept’.
The research domain of rewards crowdfunding represents rich opportunities for advancing new knowledge about financial and economic changes as well as societal behaviour.
Primary data is generated via direct observation of all the major crowdfunding sites worldwide (see here for details), without intermediation. Since 2013, data has been harvested daily providing a times-series for each project and allowing greater confidence when making interpretive predictions.
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